and I'm a shopaholic... Yea, it's pretty much a fact. I know I can't stop myself and I'm already contemplating a new outfit for the marathon in May. I'm thinking tank, with some arm warmers and one of my fave running skirts. We'll see when the time gets closer though. I haven't found the perfect tank yet.
InSport Tight Shorts
InSport Low Rise Split Shorts
Endurance Tank
Nike Dri-Fit Shorts
Saucony Women's Shorts
New Balance Race Shorts
Nike Woven Baggy Shorts
Nike Seamless Short Sleeve Top
Asics Short Sleeve Top
Nike Human Race Tee
Brooks Short Sleeve Tee
InSport Tight Short Sleeve Tee
New Balance Tempo Top
New Balance Tempo Tank
Brooks Revelation Short Sleeve Tee
Brooks Sherpa Shorts
Asics Shorts
Power Bar Triple Threat Bar 15 pack
Power Bar Fruit Smoothie Bar 12 pack
Mountain Smith Waist pack
Mountain Smith Two Bottle Waist pack
Mountain Smith One Bottle Waist pack
Reebok Breast Cancer Cap
Power Bar Endurance Sports Drink Mix
Luna Sport Recovery Drink Smoothie 12 Pack
Random Running Discounts/Videos
New Registration Format regarding the 2nd Annual Market To Market Relay presented by Nebraska Orthopaedic Hospital. The race is an 84 mile team relay from Omaha to Lincoln in Nebraska. In 2008 the event sold out 3 months in advance and had over 50 teams on a waiting list. Register on May 5th to May 9th in an online lottery that will be available at At this time you will have the opportunity to put your team’s name into a “hat” and then 50 names will be pulled from that hat to compete in the race. The race will have a total of 150 to 170 teams but the rest of the teams in the race will be teams that participated in 2008, won their division or a contest, sponsor the race, or meet the minimum speed requirement for the Citizens Class A Division. Check out the website for all of the details including course maps, results and pictures from 2008, and much more.
Carl and Karl Underwood love running. They love marathons, half-marathons, and half-half-marathons. They love 5Ks, 10ks, and think 401Ks sound pretty fun. They think cross-country, steeplechase, and the first 90% of pole vaulting aren’t too bad, either. The Underwood brothers are Running’s #1 Superfans and their mission is to share their love of running with the world. Check out Carl and Karl as they celebrate the many virtues of running with anyone who will listen: You tube video page Check out other Carl and Karl Underwood videos here: Running Super Fans (Which is really funny :))
Finally here is a Special Offer for the 98th Annual ING Bay to Breakers 12k : May 17th, 2009
ING Bay to Breakers 12k has a special offer for my blog’s readers! You can get an additional 5% off the early registration price for this year’s race. Don’t miss this opportunity to join (and support!) one of the most original and zany road races in the county. Visit for details about the race. Register online by midnight on April 30th, 2009 (Tonight!!) to receive the early registration price with an additional 5% discount Register here! Enter this coupon code 5CHICRUN09 (case sensitive) and click ‘redeem’ before completing your registration. Please direct any questions to info (at) ingbaytobreakers (dot) com (This is an online offer only. Discount is valid only for the registration fee. It is not applied to optional purchases such as the MUNI pass or packet mailing fee)
There you go, I hope that fulfilled your deal craving of the day. This weekend I'm going to finish putting together the finishing touches on the Garmin Review and I think I'll race on Sunday, I haven't decided if I'm going to pony up the money yet, so Banditing might be an option, but I do hate breaking the rules so I will probably pay. Plus, I think the shirt is going to be cute. I have to go to the Nike Store to register, so I might look around for a marathon top there as well. Tonight I'm going to run after work on the beach path, hopefully there aren't any creepers out! :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Colorful Characters of the Beach Path
I tweeted a while back about what I saw on a run and I knew I would have to post about it soon. I live in an area where there are a lot of homeless people, and a eclectic collection of people. Many of them, on hot days, seem to go to the beach in front of my place, thus ensuring an interesting crowd to watch as I run by. It was super hot two weekends ago, so it seemed that EVERYONE was at the beach. Take for example:
One larger woman was in the water ahead of me. I was watching the 'group' she was with because they were very loud. She then started walking up from the ocean and I almost had to double take. She was wearing a black trash bag as a swimsuit. She had a hole for her head, and two arms. I had to slow down to take in this site. I first thought about how unsafe this seemed, and also how swimming in the ocean, the trash bag must 'go-up' as you swim around, since it wasn't attached to her legs or anything. Let that visual sink in.
A little later, I saw the same guy I have seen many times before. He was running in his BOXER BRIEFS that were tight and incredibly short. I have seen him in the mornings other times too and he wears the exact same outfit. He sweats, but only in one place. It is weeeeeird. You're blinded by his white legs and then you're like WHOA. Not okay. Get some shots over those briefs buddy.
Another really strange thing that happens on the beach path is that people come out and walk (good for them) but have their blue tooth on and just chat away on their phones. I've seen so many people doing this, it's like they go out to walk the beach path and make an important call. It's usually when I run by they are going on and on about something. Sometimes it's interesting to eavesdrop a little bit.
Then I decided to run on the bluff path instead of the beach path for the run home. This is on a bluff overlooking the beach. This is where I saw a lovely women who was using a shopping cart as a stroller. She had two kids in the shopping cart and even had the thing you hang on the stroller for the kids to play with. It was a little strange to say the least.
Oh how I love residing in the same town Snoop Dogg grew up in. Never disappointing in the people watching department.

And it's really, really gorgeous. Sigh.
On a completely random and unrelated note, Mother's Day is quickly approaching and there are two sites that I LOVE for gift giving. I am a stationary freak, and I love getting and giving personalized gifts. Check out Expressionary for some GREAT stationary and stamp gifts. I love their stuff and it's GREAT quality. Also you can get a 40% discount (hello! That's huge!) if you enter "Mom40" at the checkout. Another great site is Personalization Mall. I have gotten some great gifts off there and especially love their canvas printing selection. They have great prices and you can make some really sweet stuff on their site. You can get free shipping on any order over $50 if you use the code "Momshipfree". Creep both of those. :)
Tonight I got a lovely 8 miler planned. I'm hoping it's not to windy. Also are any of you running this PCRR Cinco De Mayo 1/2 or their super cute site can be found here on Sunday? I think I will run it because 13 miles would be a great and fun distance for me to run this weekend, but running this race is pretty pricey. So that's some expensive fun. We'll see if I can get dragged out there. It looks like a great race though, so maybe I'll jump in last minute. I would hate to bandit, but $75 bucks is $75 bucks. I won't even drink any of their water at their stations! :) Shall I race or not.... that is the question.
One larger woman was in the water ahead of me. I was watching the 'group' she was with because they were very loud. She then started walking up from the ocean and I almost had to double take. She was wearing a black trash bag as a swimsuit. She had a hole for her head, and two arms. I had to slow down to take in this site. I first thought about how unsafe this seemed, and also how swimming in the ocean, the trash bag must 'go-up' as you swim around, since it wasn't attached to her legs or anything. Let that visual sink in.
A little later, I saw the same guy I have seen many times before. He was running in his BOXER BRIEFS that were tight and incredibly short. I have seen him in the mornings other times too and he wears the exact same outfit. He sweats, but only in one place. It is weeeeeird. You're blinded by his white legs and then you're like WHOA. Not okay. Get some shots over those briefs buddy.
Another really strange thing that happens on the beach path is that people come out and walk (good for them) but have their blue tooth on and just chat away on their phones. I've seen so many people doing this, it's like they go out to walk the beach path and make an important call. It's usually when I run by they are going on and on about something. Sometimes it's interesting to eavesdrop a little bit.
Then I decided to run on the bluff path instead of the beach path for the run home. This is on a bluff overlooking the beach. This is where I saw a lovely women who was using a shopping cart as a stroller. She had two kids in the shopping cart and even had the thing you hang on the stroller for the kids to play with. It was a little strange to say the least.
Oh how I love residing in the same town Snoop Dogg grew up in. Never disappointing in the people watching department.

And it's really, really gorgeous. Sigh.
On a completely random and unrelated note, Mother's Day is quickly approaching and there are two sites that I LOVE for gift giving. I am a stationary freak, and I love getting and giving personalized gifts. Check out Expressionary for some GREAT stationary and stamp gifts. I love their stuff and it's GREAT quality. Also you can get a 40% discount (hello! That's huge!) if you enter "Mom40" at the checkout. Another great site is Personalization Mall. I have gotten some great gifts off there and especially love their canvas printing selection. They have great prices and you can make some really sweet stuff on their site. You can get free shipping on any order over $50 if you use the code "Momshipfree". Creep both of those. :)
Tonight I got a lovely 8 miler planned. I'm hoping it's not to windy. Also are any of you running this PCRR Cinco De Mayo 1/2 or their super cute site can be found here on Sunday? I think I will run it because 13 miles would be a great and fun distance for me to run this weekend, but running this race is pretty pricey. So that's some expensive fun. We'll see if I can get dragged out there. It looks like a great race though, so maybe I'll jump in last minute. I would hate to bandit, but $75 bucks is $75 bucks. I won't even drink any of their water at their stations! :) Shall I race or not.... that is the question.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
20 miles were a lot different than I expected.
So finally I ran a 20 miler. I didn't know what to expect, and to finish was not what I expected at all. I still can't believe I actually did it. Part of me thinks that little Claude was lying to me, like my nike plus used to, the little cheater, but alas 20 miles down in the books. So I don't want to toot my own horn and I know some of you run this all the time, but it was a big first for me, and there were a lot of things that happened on the way that I knew I would HAVE to share with you guys.
The night before I just kept telling myself that I could do it. I wasn't scared of it, and I knew if I had to walk, crawl or slog my way through it, I could at least try. I got up at 6 am and wanted to take off at 6:30. I had a muffin, three shot blok and got my fuel belt ready. I packed in three bloks to have at the 4 miler make. It started off great. I was really amp'ing myself up over it. I kept telling myself that I COULD do it, and I WOULD do it. Repeating something in your head is really helpful. I was going to run an 8 mile loop, a 4 mile loop the opposite way, and then the 8 mile loop that I ran earlier. Each end of the loop was going to pass by my house because I hadn't had time to get the extra pouch for my fuel belt yet so I was just going to grab my gus from home.
The farthest I've ever ran before this weekend was only about 17.6 miles, and there were a lot of breaks in between since I ran the 10k and ran to the starting line and home after. I started off wearing my arm warmers, shorts and a t-shirt. I felt very good for the first 7 miles. I didn't look down at Claude to see my pace, I just let myself go, and enjoyed the fresh beginning of a new day. I was instantly in the 'zone' and every mile ticked down I just though to myself, "Okay, that's only 18 left, now 17 left, now 16 left." I ate shot bloks at mile 4, this was of course when a nice old guy was running by me and he said hello. I was half chewing, half choking, half trying to breath and I mumbled/drooled out a hello back. He probably thought I was some crazy freak.
It was during this time when I started to imagine myself running a full marathon. I started to think of what I was going to wear on race day, what it would be like to cross the finish line. I started to think about all the girls I'm going to be running with from San Fransisco and Oregon, and how excited I am to see everyone and what a great weekend it will be. Then I started to think, well this is my FIRST marathon, I feel like I should dedicate this to someone. I thought about making a shirt that said, "In memory/honor or something along those lines, of my Mom." I thought about putting a picture on the shirt, what I would want it to say. Then I started thinking about this more and more, and I thought about well if I ever make it to Boston, I would much rather dedicate that race to her, or the race I BQ at to her, and I don't know if I want a shirt with her picture on it, or people to feel bad for me, etc. etc. Then my thought process changed to something else and I forgot about that.
Once I got to 8 miles I had to RACE to the bathroom back at my house. I realized this could be an issue, we are going to have to work on that. Then I got three more shot blok and took off again. While at home I also took off my arm warmers. I felt good on the 4 mile loop still and kept counting down the miles. For the first 8+4 loops I didn't listen to music and just enjoyed my run, not caring about my pace. There was one spot where it smelled like a heap of dead fish, and another where it smelled so strongly of bacon. I realized I cannot smell things on my run or they make me gag. I thought I was going to throw up during these smelly points. There was a huge 177 mile relay race going on and I would smile at the racers walking or running by and sometimes encouraged them with something random like, "Way to go!" I'm so original, I know. They were running from Santa Barbara to Dana Point in relay teams. That was kind of exciting.
After four miles, I stopped at home and went to the bathroom yet again. I made sure both my 'home' stops were only three minutes. I took yet another gu and took off to finish this run. At this point it was pretty hot out so I decided to brave the elements and run without a shirt. That is the only way I'm getting back in shape. If I run without a shirt then I feel like I have to do extra sit ups. :) I grabbed my ipod for this last loop of the run as well because I knew this was going to be where I needed distractions. I took off and was into my run about 13 miles. Then in the distance I saw a huge crowd of walkers on the beach path. I knew this wasn't just a random group of walkers, but it had to be yet another organized event. I was interested to see what it was again. I got closer and closer, and realized it was the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. After a little research this morning I realized it wasn't the actual walk, but a Training Mock Walk, but still everyone was wearing pink and excited to be out and walking and raising awareness to breast cancer on this Saturday. It looked like it could be the real walk there were so many people.
Unexpectedly, I all of a sudden felt my heart start to burn with a familiar hurt, and my breathing was hard. This is when I lost it. I started crying. It was mile 14, I had 6 more to go and I was crying while running next to these walkers. My nose was sniffling and I was just looking down and reminding myself to keep going. To keep putting one foot in front of the other one. They were walking against the route I was running and all saw me crying while running along. Though I had my music on I could hear my breathing and it was weird like shallow wheezing.
I had done the Avon 3-day walk when my mom was still alive my junior year in High School. I had worn the pink gear, I had walked the 60 miles, and my mom (and entire family) were there supporting me through the entire thing. It was a great experience and seeing these women walking was just inspiring and it reminded me so much of my mom it turned me into a wheezing/running/crying mess.
I kept telling myself to suck it up and stop crying, but I couldn't. It was a weird weird mile. I hate crying in front of other people and I just took some deep breaths and kept running. I remember feeling a tear go down my cheek and I thought to myself, really, REALLY you are seriously CRYING?! Then, just as quickly as I started choking up, I stopped crying and was okay to finish the run. The last 6 miler were good. It was once I got to mile 17, I was hurting, my butt was killing me. I have never even felt pain in my butt when I run at all. I got back to my house and thought about my run. I had completed it, I had broke down in the middle and still kept going. Sometimes that's all you need to keep going. I took an ice bath and then showered and laid in my bed for some time watching the Penn Relays and the NFL draft.
I think it reminded me so much of my mom and how she would be so proud of me for running a full marathon. It reminded me so much of how many people are affected by breast cancer, and how many people we need to find a cure for. I'm sure people were like WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH THIS GIRL. When you are tired, and running, and crying, it's hard to breathe.
Doing this run brought so many emotions out, looking back on it now, I would have NEVER expected that something like that would remind me of my mom, none the less make me cry and break down in the middle of a long run. It also made me realize that I can run a full marathon. I was beginning to get nervous and I know the brutalness of a full marathon doesn't even come until the 20th mile, but you know what, bring it on. If you go in with the attitude that it's going to be too hard, that you won't like it, that it's going to stink, that you're hurt, that you can't do it, guess what...
It is going to be too hard, you won't like it, it is going to stink, you will be hurt and you won't be able to do it.
I've played this mental game with myself, and almost got caught up in it again last night. Sunday after the 20 miler was my scheduled rest day and last night when I got home it was cold. I was exhausted and didn't want to run, but decided to go out to 'loosen up' I planned to run a four miler but when I started I was incredibly sore. I didn't even realize how sore I was. I told myself that I HAD to do four miles, and that if they were slow or fast they were going to get done, so I ran 2 miles out away from my house so I couldn't go back after two miles. After the first mile, I had gotten rid of my sore stiffness and was chugging along and knew that I would be fine for four miles. So fine that my last mile was 7:45. I had to allow myself a chance for success.
The two weeks leading up to my 20 miler, I probably put in about 8 miles in each of those weeks. Believing in yourself works wonders. Running is hard, it's just a mental game of pushing yourself to your personal limit. It's not easy, but no one ever said anything that was worth it was easy. Allow yourself to succeed.
The night before I just kept telling myself that I could do it. I wasn't scared of it, and I knew if I had to walk, crawl or slog my way through it, I could at least try. I got up at 6 am and wanted to take off at 6:30. I had a muffin, three shot blok and got my fuel belt ready. I packed in three bloks to have at the 4 miler make. It started off great. I was really amp'ing myself up over it. I kept telling myself that I COULD do it, and I WOULD do it. Repeating something in your head is really helpful. I was going to run an 8 mile loop, a 4 mile loop the opposite way, and then the 8 mile loop that I ran earlier. Each end of the loop was going to pass by my house because I hadn't had time to get the extra pouch for my fuel belt yet so I was just going to grab my gus from home.
The farthest I've ever ran before this weekend was only about 17.6 miles, and there were a lot of breaks in between since I ran the 10k and ran to the starting line and home after. I started off wearing my arm warmers, shorts and a t-shirt. I felt very good for the first 7 miles. I didn't look down at Claude to see my pace, I just let myself go, and enjoyed the fresh beginning of a new day. I was instantly in the 'zone' and every mile ticked down I just though to myself, "Okay, that's only 18 left, now 17 left, now 16 left." I ate shot bloks at mile 4, this was of course when a nice old guy was running by me and he said hello. I was half chewing, half choking, half trying to breath and I mumbled/drooled out a hello back. He probably thought I was some crazy freak.
It was during this time when I started to imagine myself running a full marathon. I started to think of what I was going to wear on race day, what it would be like to cross the finish line. I started to think about all the girls I'm going to be running with from San Fransisco and Oregon, and how excited I am to see everyone and what a great weekend it will be. Then I started to think, well this is my FIRST marathon, I feel like I should dedicate this to someone. I thought about making a shirt that said, "In memory/honor or something along those lines, of my Mom." I thought about putting a picture on the shirt, what I would want it to say. Then I started thinking about this more and more, and I thought about well if I ever make it to Boston, I would much rather dedicate that race to her, or the race I BQ at to her, and I don't know if I want a shirt with her picture on it, or people to feel bad for me, etc. etc. Then my thought process changed to something else and I forgot about that.
Once I got to 8 miles I had to RACE to the bathroom back at my house. I realized this could be an issue, we are going to have to work on that. Then I got three more shot blok and took off again. While at home I also took off my arm warmers. I felt good on the 4 mile loop still and kept counting down the miles. For the first 8+4 loops I didn't listen to music and just enjoyed my run, not caring about my pace. There was one spot where it smelled like a heap of dead fish, and another where it smelled so strongly of bacon. I realized I cannot smell things on my run or they make me gag. I thought I was going to throw up during these smelly points. There was a huge 177 mile relay race going on and I would smile at the racers walking or running by and sometimes encouraged them with something random like, "Way to go!" I'm so original, I know. They were running from Santa Barbara to Dana Point in relay teams. That was kind of exciting.
After four miles, I stopped at home and went to the bathroom yet again. I made sure both my 'home' stops were only three minutes. I took yet another gu and took off to finish this run. At this point it was pretty hot out so I decided to brave the elements and run without a shirt. That is the only way I'm getting back in shape. If I run without a shirt then I feel like I have to do extra sit ups. :) I grabbed my ipod for this last loop of the run as well because I knew this was going to be where I needed distractions. I took off and was into my run about 13 miles. Then in the distance I saw a huge crowd of walkers on the beach path. I knew this wasn't just a random group of walkers, but it had to be yet another organized event. I was interested to see what it was again. I got closer and closer, and realized it was the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. After a little research this morning I realized it wasn't the actual walk, but a Training Mock Walk, but still everyone was wearing pink and excited to be out and walking and raising awareness to breast cancer on this Saturday. It looked like it could be the real walk there were so many people.
Unexpectedly, I all of a sudden felt my heart start to burn with a familiar hurt, and my breathing was hard. This is when I lost it. I started crying. It was mile 14, I had 6 more to go and I was crying while running next to these walkers. My nose was sniffling and I was just looking down and reminding myself to keep going. To keep putting one foot in front of the other one. They were walking against the route I was running and all saw me crying while running along. Though I had my music on I could hear my breathing and it was weird like shallow wheezing.
I had done the Avon 3-day walk when my mom was still alive my junior year in High School. I had worn the pink gear, I had walked the 60 miles, and my mom (and entire family) were there supporting me through the entire thing. It was a great experience and seeing these women walking was just inspiring and it reminded me so much of my mom it turned me into a wheezing/running/crying mess.
I kept telling myself to suck it up and stop crying, but I couldn't. It was a weird weird mile. I hate crying in front of other people and I just took some deep breaths and kept running. I remember feeling a tear go down my cheek and I thought to myself, really, REALLY you are seriously CRYING?! Then, just as quickly as I started choking up, I stopped crying and was okay to finish the run. The last 6 miler were good. It was once I got to mile 17, I was hurting, my butt was killing me. I have never even felt pain in my butt when I run at all. I got back to my house and thought about my run. I had completed it, I had broke down in the middle and still kept going. Sometimes that's all you need to keep going. I took an ice bath and then showered and laid in my bed for some time watching the Penn Relays and the NFL draft.
I think it reminded me so much of my mom and how she would be so proud of me for running a full marathon. It reminded me so much of how many people are affected by breast cancer, and how many people we need to find a cure for. I'm sure people were like WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH THIS GIRL. When you are tired, and running, and crying, it's hard to breathe.
Doing this run brought so many emotions out, looking back on it now, I would have NEVER expected that something like that would remind me of my mom, none the less make me cry and break down in the middle of a long run. It also made me realize that I can run a full marathon. I was beginning to get nervous and I know the brutalness of a full marathon doesn't even come until the 20th mile, but you know what, bring it on. If you go in with the attitude that it's going to be too hard, that you won't like it, that it's going to stink, that you're hurt, that you can't do it, guess what...
It is going to be too hard, you won't like it, it is going to stink, you will be hurt and you won't be able to do it.
I've played this mental game with myself, and almost got caught up in it again last night. Sunday after the 20 miler was my scheduled rest day and last night when I got home it was cold. I was exhausted and didn't want to run, but decided to go out to 'loosen up' I planned to run a four miler but when I started I was incredibly sore. I didn't even realize how sore I was. I told myself that I HAD to do four miles, and that if they were slow or fast they were going to get done, so I ran 2 miles out away from my house so I couldn't go back after two miles. After the first mile, I had gotten rid of my sore stiffness and was chugging along and knew that I would be fine for four miles. So fine that my last mile was 7:45. I had to allow myself a chance for success.
The two weeks leading up to my 20 miler, I probably put in about 8 miles in each of those weeks. Believing in yourself works wonders. Running is hard, it's just a mental game of pushing yourself to your personal limit. It's not easy, but no one ever said anything that was worth it was easy. Allow yourself to succeed.
long run,
marathon training,
Monday, April 27, 2009
Adoption April : All About My Birth Parents
This is the fourth post in my "Adoption April" series. The Intro, first, second, and third posts can be found at those links if you wanted to read more before jumping into this one. This one is going to touch on all the facts that I know about my birth parents and how I feel about them, and if I want to meet them and why. Also it will discuss why I was a 'surprise' as stated before when I explained why I was adopted.
I know my birth mom's name is Wendee Sue and her last name at the time of my birth was Anderson. She wasn't married and I don't know her exact age at the time of my birth. She had brown hair like mine and was very skinny. I know she was very skinny because she walked out of the hospital, after having me, wearing a size 7 pant. The reason she was so skinny is because she didn't even know she was pregnant with me. She went into the hospital with 'stomach pains' and they told her she was having contractions and she was going to have a baby.
Talk about shocking huh. So the way I was born is a little bit different than a more traditional way, but that is also I think a huge part of why I was adopted. I think it's kind of cool that I was a surprise but I'm sure Wendee wasn't too into it.
My birth dad's name is Michael and his last name is either Martin or Martinez, so they think. There isn't much information on either of them that my parents collected from them but I am glad that I know their names. I also know their birthdays and I know that Wendee was born in the Midwest.
People always ask me if I want to meet them both or my birth mom. I do! I would love to meet her, and I just haven't actively pursued it that much, you know life can be kind of busy! I am considering looking more into a private investigator and see what my options are. I know that is expensive though, so that would also take some time. Finding people isn't the easiest thing in the world. I would completely understand if she or he didn't want to meet me though, but I feel that it would be important at this time to get a family medical history report since so many diseases are genetic. I would hope that they would understand that and would be able to give me the family medical report. With that alone I think I would be happy as well.
I know I would be okay if they didn't want to meet me, because I still think about their situation. Sometimes I wonder what she looks like, and what he looks like, even if they are still together or still talk. I also wonder if I would have any other siblings through either of them. Isn't that weird to think about? I think that it would be cool to meet them, and see what their lives are like. I don't want anything from either of them at all, and if they weren't comfortable with meeting/talking/communication, I wouldn't force it upon them either. I couldn't even imagine the shock that they both must have had when I decided to enter the world.
As of right now, I have no idea where they are, what their lives are like, what they look like, or anything of that matter, but it does interest me. Also if I were to communicate with them, I would understand both of their apprehension if there was some. What would you do if your daughter that you hadn't seen or heard from or about in 23 years all of a sudden reached out to you? It would blow my mind. I think there has to be a level of curiousness of both my and her mind though. Is that curiousness enough to pursue communication? I don't know. Time will only tell.
I also realize that they will never replace my parents, and I would never even think that that would happen. I feel that if I was seeking them out because I felt abandoned or like I didn't fit in with my family, or like I was unwanted, it would be a different issue, because then I realize that my feelings would be hurt if they didn't want to have anything to do with me. I am interested to see what you guys think about this. I'm sure there are going to be some interesting comments. :)
If you have any emails for the next and sadly last, Adoption April (whoops it will be May) Question and Answer post please feel free to email me at (danicakoo) (at) (gmail) (dot) (com).

Here's a funny picture of me and my brother. Funny thing, someone asked me if I was HIS MOM THIS WEEKEND.

Sorry that one is so bad quality. Me and the T. (who also just found out about my blog this weekend and did some reading on it... his quote, "Don't use my name, I don't want it to make it any easier for the government to track me.")
As for the 20 miler. I did it this weekend. I still can't believe I actually did it. Claude was along for the ride as well, and stuck with it. I have some funny pictures from the run, but maybe I'll post them on Saturday but tomorrow will be the complete recap. Some very interesting things happened on the run and I can't wait to share with you guys. I know, you're all on the edge of your seat in anticipation.
I know my birth mom's name is Wendee Sue and her last name at the time of my birth was Anderson. She wasn't married and I don't know her exact age at the time of my birth. She had brown hair like mine and was very skinny. I know she was very skinny because she walked out of the hospital, after having me, wearing a size 7 pant. The reason she was so skinny is because she didn't even know she was pregnant with me. She went into the hospital with 'stomach pains' and they told her she was having contractions and she was going to have a baby.
Talk about shocking huh. So the way I was born is a little bit different than a more traditional way, but that is also I think a huge part of why I was adopted. I think it's kind of cool that I was a surprise but I'm sure Wendee wasn't too into it.
My birth dad's name is Michael and his last name is either Martin or Martinez, so they think. There isn't much information on either of them that my parents collected from them but I am glad that I know their names. I also know their birthdays and I know that Wendee was born in the Midwest.
People always ask me if I want to meet them both or my birth mom. I do! I would love to meet her, and I just haven't actively pursued it that much, you know life can be kind of busy! I am considering looking more into a private investigator and see what my options are. I know that is expensive though, so that would also take some time. Finding people isn't the easiest thing in the world. I would completely understand if she or he didn't want to meet me though, but I feel that it would be important at this time to get a family medical history report since so many diseases are genetic. I would hope that they would understand that and would be able to give me the family medical report. With that alone I think I would be happy as well.
I know I would be okay if they didn't want to meet me, because I still think about their situation. Sometimes I wonder what she looks like, and what he looks like, even if they are still together or still talk. I also wonder if I would have any other siblings through either of them. Isn't that weird to think about? I think that it would be cool to meet them, and see what their lives are like. I don't want anything from either of them at all, and if they weren't comfortable with meeting/talking/communication, I wouldn't force it upon them either. I couldn't even imagine the shock that they both must have had when I decided to enter the world.
As of right now, I have no idea where they are, what their lives are like, what they look like, or anything of that matter, but it does interest me. Also if I were to communicate with them, I would understand both of their apprehension if there was some. What would you do if your daughter that you hadn't seen or heard from or about in 23 years all of a sudden reached out to you? It would blow my mind. I think there has to be a level of curiousness of both my and her mind though. Is that curiousness enough to pursue communication? I don't know. Time will only tell.
I also realize that they will never replace my parents, and I would never even think that that would happen. I feel that if I was seeking them out because I felt abandoned or like I didn't fit in with my family, or like I was unwanted, it would be a different issue, because then I realize that my feelings would be hurt if they didn't want to have anything to do with me. I am interested to see what you guys think about this. I'm sure there are going to be some interesting comments. :)
If you have any emails for the next and sadly last, Adoption April (whoops it will be May) Question and Answer post please feel free to email me at (danicakoo) (at) (gmail) (dot) (com).

Here's a funny picture of me and my brother. Funny thing, someone asked me if I was HIS MOM THIS WEEKEND.

Sorry that one is so bad quality. Me and the T. (who also just found out about my blog this weekend and did some reading on it... his quote, "Don't use my name, I don't want it to make it any easier for the government to track me.")
As for the 20 miler. I did it this weekend. I still can't believe I actually did it. Claude was along for the ride as well, and stuck with it. I have some funny pictures from the run, but maybe I'll post them on Saturday but tomorrow will be the complete recap. Some very interesting things happened on the run and I can't wait to share with you guys. I know, you're all on the edge of your seat in anticipation.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Nada. Zero. Ziltch.
So I have nothing to say today. You're all shocked I know. Well pick your jaw up off the ground. I'm worried about my 20 miler in the morning. I can only imagine how many bathroom breaks I'm going to have to take. Sadly these are the things I'm worried about. I thought this would be fun though, Amanda tagged me in this game, and who doesn't want to know more about me??
Crazy 8 Tag:
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Lunch: I brought hummus. Delish.
2. Running 20 miles tomorrow, because then I feel like I KNOW I'll be able to run the full marathon in a little over 30 days
3. Warm weather, so I can keep working on my tan. (don't worry, don't send me hate mail. I wear sunscreen!)
4. A Possible upcoming photo shoot... (I'll let you all know more lattttter :)
5. Doing nothing tomorrow after my run, preferable while watching the Ducks annihilate the Sharks (again!) in the Stanley Cup Playoffs once more and watching some Angel baseball.
6. Going to San Fran and meeting up with all my girls and running the SF half in July.
7. What flavors of Gu the store will have for my long run tomorrow morning. I hope they have chocolate.
8. Getting my car (the koo) washed on my lunch break because I haven't washed it in SIX MONTHS
8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Was on a conference call
2. Ate a chicken quesadilla from my favorite place, Super Mex
3. Was stuck in traffic on the way home from work
4. Went to Target and returned 2 things
5. Walked to Yogurtland for dessert
6. Ate a chicken salad sandwich
7. Ran three measly miles. Fail.
8. Drank 6 1 liter bottles of water. Consequently went to the bathroom 200 times.
8 Things I Wish I Could Do/Want To Do
1. Move out of CA
2. Go to the beach every day
3. Run faster! :) ( I know I know, I have to train harder, DUH)
4. Go back to Kauai!
5. Get a puppy
6. Run an ultra (one day!)
7. Get married (one day, far far away...)
8. Give back to people/community more (working on it)
8 Shows I Watch
1. The Office
2. Parks and Recreation
3. Millionaire Matchmaker
4. Make me a Supermodel
5. Dancing with the Stars
6. Biggest Loser
7. American Idol
8. The Hills (wha whaaa)
And how could I resist not putting in some more Kauai pics for this photo Friday by the lovely Nike Mom. Come on, the trip hasn't worn off yet! :)

This is overlooking the Hanalei Valley again. Just me being a little creepy.

This is basically summing up me and Mr. R's relationship to a T... This is at Wakiki Beach in Oahu during our layover. We are addicted to the beach. I basically always wear outfits that resemble this and he always looks likes that... We are also ADDICTED to Starbucks. Funny thing is I don't even drink coffee and neither does Mr. R, only on occasion. I am a Starbucks drinker of all their other drinks, especially the soy Chai Latte.
Well everyone, have a wonderful weekend. I'll report back about the 20 miler on Monday! I am just telling myself, 10 miles out, 10 miles back. I'll probably let you all know I'm alive still via my Twitter... Last night Mr. R called me a tweetwhore! What! :) He is slowly learning about twitter. One day he'll come around :)
Ps. To those who asked about the Victoria Secret Swimsuit, there is no padding, no nothing in that baby. It's just swimsuit material.
Crazy 8 Tag:
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Lunch: I brought hummus. Delish.
2. Running 20 miles tomorrow, because then I feel like I KNOW I'll be able to run the full marathon in a little over 30 days
3. Warm weather, so I can keep working on my tan. (don't worry, don't send me hate mail. I wear sunscreen!)
4. A Possible upcoming photo shoot... (I'll let you all know more lattttter :)
5. Doing nothing tomorrow after my run, preferable while watching the Ducks annihilate the Sharks (again!) in the Stanley Cup Playoffs once more and watching some Angel baseball.
6. Going to San Fran and meeting up with all my girls and running the SF half in July.
7. What flavors of Gu the store will have for my long run tomorrow morning. I hope they have chocolate.
8. Getting my car (the koo) washed on my lunch break because I haven't washed it in SIX MONTHS
8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Was on a conference call
2. Ate a chicken quesadilla from my favorite place, Super Mex
3. Was stuck in traffic on the way home from work
4. Went to Target and returned 2 things
5. Walked to Yogurtland for dessert
6. Ate a chicken salad sandwich
7. Ran three measly miles. Fail.
8. Drank 6 1 liter bottles of water. Consequently went to the bathroom 200 times.
8 Things I Wish I Could Do/Want To Do
1. Move out of CA
2. Go to the beach every day
3. Run faster! :) ( I know I know, I have to train harder, DUH)
4. Go back to Kauai!
5. Get a puppy
6. Run an ultra (one day!)
7. Get married (one day, far far away...)
8. Give back to people/community more (working on it)
8 Shows I Watch
1. The Office
2. Parks and Recreation
3. Millionaire Matchmaker
4. Make me a Supermodel
5. Dancing with the Stars
6. Biggest Loser
7. American Idol
8. The Hills (wha whaaa)
And how could I resist not putting in some more Kauai pics for this photo Friday by the lovely Nike Mom. Come on, the trip hasn't worn off yet! :)

This is overlooking the Hanalei Valley again. Just me being a little creepy.

This is basically summing up me and Mr. R's relationship to a T... This is at Wakiki Beach in Oahu during our layover. We are addicted to the beach. I basically always wear outfits that resemble this and he always looks likes that... We are also ADDICTED to Starbucks. Funny thing is I don't even drink coffee and neither does Mr. R, only on occasion. I am a Starbucks drinker of all their other drinks, especially the soy Chai Latte.
Well everyone, have a wonderful weekend. I'll report back about the 20 miler on Monday! I am just telling myself, 10 miles out, 10 miles back. I'll probably let you all know I'm alive still via my Twitter... Last night Mr. R called me a tweetwhore! What! :) He is slowly learning about twitter. One day he'll come around :)
Ps. To those who asked about the Victoria Secret Swimsuit, there is no padding, no nothing in that baby. It's just swimsuit material.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Stimulate the economy...
So I know you all got some tax returns, and if you had to pay, bummer, but still with all these deals, how can you resist? Also right now, it's almost summer, but it's the BEST time to buy winter running gear. Jackets are on huge sales right now, especially North Face stuff including their fleeces. I love to be warm, so you can search around for some other deals if you needed any winter wear.
Adidas Track Jacket
Adidas Hoodie
Nike Short Sleeve Tee
Nike Singlet
Saucony Run Lux Shorts
Mizuno Breath Sports Bra
Ryka Racer Back Top
Mizuno Jinx Sports Tank Top
Marmot Long Sleeve Half Zip Pullover
Alpine Design Women's Half Zip Turtleneck Fleece
Nike Racer back Tank
Nike Dip Dye Strappy Yoga Tank
Nike Women's Striped Seemless Tank
Adidas Clima cool Tank
Nike Gym Basics Long Sport Tank
Fila Cross Back Tank
Asics Running Singlet
Nike Jacket
C9 Hooded Fleece
C9 1/4 Zip Hooded Fleece
C9 Long Sleeve Running Top
Mizuno Maverick Shorts
Saucony Elite Shorts
Rain Jacket
Arc'Teryx Long Sleeve Half Zip Jacket
Nike Dri-Fit Reflective Running Shorts
Reebok Premier Split Running Shorts
Nike Race Day Shorts
Powerbar Endurance Sports Drink Mix
Accelerade Advanced Sports Drink Mix
Clif Lemon Lime or Strawberry Shot Bloks
North Face Photon with Bottle
As for the workout schedule, I got a run in tonight after work and hopefully I'll be able to fit in 6 to 8 miles, depending on the daylight left once I leave the office. After running stairs the other day I was feeling it in my quads a lot. It felt good to be sore again. I have been really busy at work so I haven't had much time to even think. I am still working on my review of the Garmin so that everyone can understand why they DO need one :) I wasn't so convinced, but now that I have one it's amazing. I also have some cool stuff to review for you guys so that will be coming around soon too. Now go buy something!
PS all my baithing suits in my pictures are from Target, minus the Orange Blue and white one, which is from Victoria Secret and is only like 30 bucks!
Adidas Track Jacket
Adidas Hoodie
Nike Short Sleeve Tee
Nike Singlet
Saucony Run Lux Shorts
Mizuno Breath Sports Bra
Ryka Racer Back Top
Mizuno Jinx Sports Tank Top
Marmot Long Sleeve Half Zip Pullover
Alpine Design Women's Half Zip Turtleneck Fleece
Nike Racer back Tank
Nike Dip Dye Strappy Yoga Tank
Nike Women's Striped Seemless Tank
Adidas Clima cool Tank
Nike Gym Basics Long Sport Tank
Fila Cross Back Tank
Asics Running Singlet
Nike Jacket
C9 Hooded Fleece
C9 1/4 Zip Hooded Fleece
C9 Long Sleeve Running Top
Mizuno Maverick Shorts
Saucony Elite Shorts
Rain Jacket
Arc'Teryx Long Sleeve Half Zip Jacket
Nike Dri-Fit Reflective Running Shorts
Reebok Premier Split Running Shorts
Nike Race Day Shorts
Powerbar Endurance Sports Drink Mix
Accelerade Advanced Sports Drink Mix
Clif Lemon Lime or Strawberry Shot Bloks
North Face Photon with Bottle
As for the workout schedule, I got a run in tonight after work and hopefully I'll be able to fit in 6 to 8 miles, depending on the daylight left once I leave the office. After running stairs the other day I was feeling it in my quads a lot. It felt good to be sore again. I have been really busy at work so I haven't had much time to even think. I am still working on my review of the Garmin so that everyone can understand why they DO need one :) I wasn't so convinced, but now that I have one it's amazing. I also have some cool stuff to review for you guys so that will be coming around soon too. Now go buy something!
PS all my baithing suits in my pictures are from Target, minus the Orange Blue and white one, which is from Victoria Secret and is only like 30 bucks!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Hawaii pt. 2
So more glorious pictures for you to be jealous of. Grab a coke zero

After Waimea Canyon, we saw the spouting horn. It's a blowhole that makes a lot of noise and it spouts water. Pretty sick. We watched it for ten minutes and then decided getting sun was more important.

This little guy was chillin' on the beach! :) Monk seals are known to go to the shore after a feeding and they rest there. Don't worry he's NOT DEAD. They state of Hawaii is very protective of them and have someone guard them and they are also roped off so they will be 'safe'. They put up signs like this one too.

Don't worry he's living the life.
The next day we went to the spa and got a massage. Ahhhhh. Then we decided to walk down to a beach by our hotel. Nothing really where we were staying was 'close' to the beach and a lot of beaches take a steep downhill to get there and a steep uphill to get back.


Yea, not so dangerous? It was a nice beach with barely anyone on it.
That night we also went to Postcards Cafe.

It was pretty good, and the hummus was amazing. I have a thing for hummus. :)

This is hideaways beach, you have to hike down 191 stairs/muddy rocks that are disguised as stairs to get there. Luckily there is a rope like thing to hold on too.

After Hideaways we drove to another beach, that had a little river that you had to cross to get to the beach.

It was kind of cold in the afternoon on this day and I was burning. I was stupid and didn't put any sunscreen on my legs the day before thinking they already had some color. I forgot I'm not 10 anymore and burned crazy lines on my legs. Giant Fail. Luckily the next day I was fine after slathering aloe on them.
The next day we went to another beach, called Tunnels. It's known for great snorkeling and Mr. R got some snorkel stuff. I am not one to snorkel. I hate when the fish get close, it freaks me out. He said he saw a turtle.

This was a picture taken on the way to Tunnels. See what I mean about being so green and lush?

Sadly, this was also the day we left to come back home. We checked out and got ready to come back to the 'mainland'. Before leaving though, we stopped in over by the airport/harbor and got some delicious dinner at Dukes restaurant.

I know. I know. Wearing leggings as legitimate pants, not acceptable, BUT I was trying to be comfy on the plane. Also didn't want to do the hand on the hip, yet again, so I made an awkward arm thing. Cool. Anyways, Dukes overlooks this bay. This is where Mr. R saw one of his students. CRAZY.
Other than that... The trip was simply amazing. I got some fat cold sores from spending a little too much time with my 2nd lover, the sun, which stinks now, but oh well it was more than worth it. We flew back on a red eye on Friday morning and then Friday night was KAYVMANIA. One of my roommates little brother's best friends (I know him because we went to Hawaii together and we are kind of close in age) turned 21. He rented out the BigRedBus and we rode around in it and it took us to four different bars. I didn't drink much but when I did it was keystone because that was free on the bus. So classy.

Me and the best friend, yup, we are wearing matching shirts for the party.

Party till you pass out. What am I? 15? Hilarious none the less and though I was tired it was a great time.
So that sums up my trip and last weekend.
Last night was wonderful. We decided on the counter and it was great food and the Angels finally got out of the losing slump. Mr. R got me the newest coach breast cancer awareness keychain, which is too cute. Tonight I'm going to get in some miles after work and I hope it cools down soon. Right now I'm really craving a cupcake or some Redbull. Perhaps a lot of sugar free Redbull.
Tomorrow = deals coming your way.

After Waimea Canyon, we saw the spouting horn. It's a blowhole that makes a lot of noise and it spouts water. Pretty sick. We watched it for ten minutes and then decided getting sun was more important.

This little guy was chillin' on the beach! :) Monk seals are known to go to the shore after a feeding and they rest there. Don't worry he's NOT DEAD. They state of Hawaii is very protective of them and have someone guard them and they are also roped off so they will be 'safe'. They put up signs like this one too.

Don't worry he's living the life.
The next day we went to the spa and got a massage. Ahhhhh. Then we decided to walk down to a beach by our hotel. Nothing really where we were staying was 'close' to the beach and a lot of beaches take a steep downhill to get there and a steep uphill to get back.


Yea, not so dangerous? It was a nice beach with barely anyone on it.
That night we also went to Postcards Cafe.

It was pretty good, and the hummus was amazing. I have a thing for hummus. :)

This is hideaways beach, you have to hike down 191 stairs/muddy rocks that are disguised as stairs to get there. Luckily there is a rope like thing to hold on too.

After Hideaways we drove to another beach, that had a little river that you had to cross to get to the beach.

It was kind of cold in the afternoon on this day and I was burning. I was stupid and didn't put any sunscreen on my legs the day before thinking they already had some color. I forgot I'm not 10 anymore and burned crazy lines on my legs. Giant Fail. Luckily the next day I was fine after slathering aloe on them.
The next day we went to another beach, called Tunnels. It's known for great snorkeling and Mr. R got some snorkel stuff. I am not one to snorkel. I hate when the fish get close, it freaks me out. He said he saw a turtle.

This was a picture taken on the way to Tunnels. See what I mean about being so green and lush?

Sadly, this was also the day we left to come back home. We checked out and got ready to come back to the 'mainland'. Before leaving though, we stopped in over by the airport/harbor and got some delicious dinner at Dukes restaurant.

I know. I know. Wearing leggings as legitimate pants, not acceptable, BUT I was trying to be comfy on the plane. Also didn't want to do the hand on the hip, yet again, so I made an awkward arm thing. Cool. Anyways, Dukes overlooks this bay. This is where Mr. R saw one of his students. CRAZY.
Other than that... The trip was simply amazing. I got some fat cold sores from spending a little too much time with my 2nd lover, the sun, which stinks now, but oh well it was more than worth it. We flew back on a red eye on Friday morning and then Friday night was KAYVMANIA. One of my roommates little brother's best friends (I know him because we went to Hawaii together and we are kind of close in age) turned 21. He rented out the BigRedBus and we rode around in it and it took us to four different bars. I didn't drink much but when I did it was keystone because that was free on the bus. So classy.

Me and the best friend, yup, we are wearing matching shirts for the party.

Party till you pass out. What am I? 15? Hilarious none the less and though I was tired it was a great time.
So that sums up my trip and last weekend.
Last night was wonderful. We decided on the counter and it was great food and the Angels finally got out of the losing slump. Mr. R got me the newest coach breast cancer awareness keychain, which is too cute. Tonight I'm going to get in some miles after work and I hope it cools down soon. Right now I'm really craving a cupcake or some Redbull. Perhaps a lot of sugar free Redbull.
Tomorrow = deals coming your way.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Hawaii pt. 1
So here's the long awaited Hawaii post with enough pictures to crash your little pcs so be patient, sit back, grab a coke zero, and let these load up. :)
After our flight over to Oahu, where it was pouring rain when we arrived, we had a short layover and met up with the other couple we went with as well. We had previously planned to go see Pearl Harbor and grab a bite to eat in Waikiki. We grabbed our rental car and got a free upgrade to a Chrysler 300m instead of a ford focus. YES! All you have to do is ask. Seriously, it worked for us. Though I have seen Pearl Harbor before, it's always sobering to see it and this time was no different. It is eerie and they have a movie and tour of the memorial. It was a great part of our trip and I'm glad we went to see it again.

Oil still leaks up from the Arizona, resting on the ocean floor.

The memorial from a distance.

In memory of those who lost their lives there.

Riding out to the memorial.

The sunset in Waikiki where we got dinner and walked around for a little bit before we had to take our hopper flight over to Kauai, where it wasn't raining!
After traveling for over 21 hours and not sleeping, we were all exhausted. We decided to sleep in and awoke to a wonderful sunny day. We decided to go to a Farmer's market, see the local lighthouse and do some grocery shopping and 'regain our bearings' (Mr. R's favorite saying...)

Here is the Kilauea Lighthouse. It was gorgeous. At the farmers market we got some delicious salsa, a wonderful organic pineapple and some banana bread. We stopped at a few beaches that day and just saw a few sights before going grocery shopping.

Stopping at a Beach along the road for some tanning, aka where I got fried the first day. Angel Pride! (Sadly, they are not doing so well and the couple we were with on the trip loves the Mariners, who did the Angels lose to the entire trip? THE MARINERS. BOO!) That night we decided to go to the Hanalei Dolphin for dinner, which was WONDERFUL and I would have to say my favorite place to eat on the island during this trip.

Can't you tell Mr. R loves taking pictures?

HUNGRY! We are right by the Hanalei River. Many choose to kayak up the river, but we all know the T-rex arms wouldn't handle that well.
The next morning was Easter, and we decided to go to an early sunrise service on the beach pier in Hanalei. It was hard to get up early but it was worth it and gorgeous. How many times in your life can you say you've gone to Easter service in Kauai on a beach? After church we stopped by the overlook that was right across the main street from where we were staying.

It overlooks the Hanalei taro fields and the mountains of Hanalei where there are tons of beautiful waterfalls. It was a nice warm day so we went to the beach...

The next day we wanted to go and see the other side of the island (Poipu) since we were staying on the Princeville side, and we wanted to see Waiema Canyon. This was an amazing day of sightseeing and driving. We also hiked to a waterfall.

The Canyon. It's like a mini grand canyon.

The main lookout point where all the tourists go.

Overlooking the Canyon.

First of the waterfalls we visited along the hike. The book we were following told us it was moderately strenuous.

Well it was downhill one way and uphill the other way. Easy on the way down and HARD on the way up was a better description. Overall it was about 3 miles round trip. Claude went along for the hike!

A view from the end of the hike, we are standing on top of a waterfall.

On the edge by the waterfall! It was a LONG way down

The pegs got me there :)

Overall I would have to say that one of my favorite things that we did on our trip was the hike. It was something that I wouldn't normally do and I really enjoyed it, even though the way up was a little tough. I realized I need to work my quads and calves more! :) I love going on hikes and am going to try to go on more around my home as well. It's a great workout and so refreshing.
We had great weather while we were there and it was so relaxing and nice to be 'away'. Even though it rained at night and halfway through our last day, it wasn't a big deal. Kauai is my favorite island of the Hawaiian chain by far. It is so lush and really is very tropical. When I think of Hawaii, and how I always thought it would be, I always think of Kauai.
Tomorrow will be the other post with all the other pictures! :) Stay tuned!
Well it's still blazing hot here in CA. I don't know where this hot weather came from, but this morning on my run I was melting like a popsicle on a hot August day. It was only 6:30 in the morning. Not good. But, this morning I ran 3 miles and ran stairs in the middle. 75 stairs 5 times. I can already feel it in my quads and calves. Tonight Mr. R and I are going out to dinner to celebrate our one year and six month anniversary. Normally I don't celebrate anniversaries or anything, but it's fun and I got him a gift for no reason so now I have the opportunity to give it to him. I LOVE giving gifts. It's my thing I think. And don't worry, we are only going to CHICK-FIL-A!!!! Which is my favorite place, or possibly we might go to The Counter. Another great place. There are neither by my house and both by his, so I love going down to his place and getting chickfila for dinner.
I'm getting my endurance back! Just like you all said I would. Thanks for the encouraging words while I was in my rut. I am getting nervous about the marathon, but I know going in with the non-competitive mindset will be best for me for my first marathon and then afterwards I can take it from there and see what I want to do with races and different distances. I know I will be able to finish. I have a 20 miler scheduled for this weekend and once I've done that I know I will be set to go.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
After our flight over to Oahu, where it was pouring rain when we arrived, we had a short layover and met up with the other couple we went with as well. We had previously planned to go see Pearl Harbor and grab a bite to eat in Waikiki. We grabbed our rental car and got a free upgrade to a Chrysler 300m instead of a ford focus. YES! All you have to do is ask. Seriously, it worked for us. Though I have seen Pearl Harbor before, it's always sobering to see it and this time was no different. It is eerie and they have a movie and tour of the memorial. It was a great part of our trip and I'm glad we went to see it again.

Oil still leaks up from the Arizona, resting on the ocean floor.

The memorial from a distance.

In memory of those who lost their lives there.

Riding out to the memorial.

The sunset in Waikiki where we got dinner and walked around for a little bit before we had to take our hopper flight over to Kauai, where it wasn't raining!
After traveling for over 21 hours and not sleeping, we were all exhausted. We decided to sleep in and awoke to a wonderful sunny day. We decided to go to a Farmer's market, see the local lighthouse and do some grocery shopping and 'regain our bearings' (Mr. R's favorite saying...)

Here is the Kilauea Lighthouse. It was gorgeous. At the farmers market we got some delicious salsa, a wonderful organic pineapple and some banana bread. We stopped at a few beaches that day and just saw a few sights before going grocery shopping.

Stopping at a Beach along the road for some tanning, aka where I got fried the first day. Angel Pride! (Sadly, they are not doing so well and the couple we were with on the trip loves the Mariners, who did the Angels lose to the entire trip? THE MARINERS. BOO!) That night we decided to go to the Hanalei Dolphin for dinner, which was WONDERFUL and I would have to say my favorite place to eat on the island during this trip.

Can't you tell Mr. R loves taking pictures?

HUNGRY! We are right by the Hanalei River. Many choose to kayak up the river, but we all know the T-rex arms wouldn't handle that well.
The next morning was Easter, and we decided to go to an early sunrise service on the beach pier in Hanalei. It was hard to get up early but it was worth it and gorgeous. How many times in your life can you say you've gone to Easter service in Kauai on a beach? After church we stopped by the overlook that was right across the main street from where we were staying.

It overlooks the Hanalei taro fields and the mountains of Hanalei where there are tons of beautiful waterfalls. It was a nice warm day so we went to the beach...

The next day we wanted to go and see the other side of the island (Poipu) since we were staying on the Princeville side, and we wanted to see Waiema Canyon. This was an amazing day of sightseeing and driving. We also hiked to a waterfall.

The Canyon. It's like a mini grand canyon.

The main lookout point where all the tourists go.

Overlooking the Canyon.

First of the waterfalls we visited along the hike. The book we were following told us it was moderately strenuous.

Well it was downhill one way and uphill the other way. Easy on the way down and HARD on the way up was a better description. Overall it was about 3 miles round trip. Claude went along for the hike!

A view from the end of the hike, we are standing on top of a waterfall.

On the edge by the waterfall! It was a LONG way down

The pegs got me there :)

Overall I would have to say that one of my favorite things that we did on our trip was the hike. It was something that I wouldn't normally do and I really enjoyed it, even though the way up was a little tough. I realized I need to work my quads and calves more! :) I love going on hikes and am going to try to go on more around my home as well. It's a great workout and so refreshing.
We had great weather while we were there and it was so relaxing and nice to be 'away'. Even though it rained at night and halfway through our last day, it wasn't a big deal. Kauai is my favorite island of the Hawaiian chain by far. It is so lush and really is very tropical. When I think of Hawaii, and how I always thought it would be, I always think of Kauai.
Tomorrow will be the other post with all the other pictures! :) Stay tuned!
Well it's still blazing hot here in CA. I don't know where this hot weather came from, but this morning on my run I was melting like a popsicle on a hot August day. It was only 6:30 in the morning. Not good. But, this morning I ran 3 miles and ran stairs in the middle. 75 stairs 5 times. I can already feel it in my quads and calves. Tonight Mr. R and I are going out to dinner to celebrate our one year and six month anniversary. Normally I don't celebrate anniversaries or anything, but it's fun and I got him a gift for no reason so now I have the opportunity to give it to him. I LOVE giving gifts. It's my thing I think. And don't worry, we are only going to CHICK-FIL-A!!!! Which is my favorite place, or possibly we might go to The Counter. Another great place. There are neither by my house and both by his, so I love going down to his place and getting chickfila for dinner.
I'm getting my endurance back! Just like you all said I would. Thanks for the encouraging words while I was in my rut. I am getting nervous about the marathon, but I know going in with the non-competitive mindset will be best for me for my first marathon and then afterwards I can take it from there and see what I want to do with races and different distances. I know I will be able to finish. I have a 20 miler scheduled for this weekend and once I've done that I know I will be set to go.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Adoption April : My thoughts on Adoption
So I'm back! Back at work, and after an eventful weekend that included Kayvmania (pictures and explanation to come) I'm excited to get back to blogging, reading and running! But most importantly, it's still Adoption April! This is the third post in my "Adoption April" series. The Intro, First Post and Second Post can all be found at those links. Today I wanted to post about my thoughts about adoption and why I think it worked well for my family and me.
I know many of you have children of your own, or are at the stage in your life that you are having children or considering this for your family. Personally, I have never thought of myself actually having kids. I don't know why I think like this, but I think possibly that it has to do with the fact that my mom didn't 'have me' so I can't imagine myself being pregnant or actually having a child. I still haven't made a complete decision on whether or not I want to physically have children but I think that also will depend on when and who I marry and all that sort of thing. Go ahead, comment with what ever you think, but remember everyone is different.
I do think that adoption is such a powerful thing, and honestly, I will consider it when I am ready to have children. I think a lot of people think that adoption is only adopting drug babies, problem babies, or children that have gone through foster care, which isn't true. I was a completely healthy, albeit small, baby and was adopted into a loving home. My birth mom never contacted my parents to ask for me back, there were never any issues with her or my birth family. I know that could have been a possibility, but it hasn't happened yet... :)

When I was growing up, most people honestly couldn't believe I was adopted. I looked like my family and had the same attitude and mannerisms as my mother. Now, I am JUST. LIKE. MY. MOM. It was never a 'weird' thing to talk about with my friends either. Surprisingly enough, one of my best friends and now roommate is also adopted. We sometimes talk about it, and our feelings, but like me, she has known her entire life that she was adopted. She also harbors no bad feelings towards either sets of her parents. It's a fun bond that we share together and it's also nice to talk about our adoptions together.
I never, ever felt different than other kids. I never felt like I had a different relationship with my parents or different family setting. I think the openness that my parents had helped this, and I also never felt unwanted, or uncommitted too. I never felt abandoned or like my birth parents didn't love me or want me and that's why they 'gave me up'. They were mature enough to realize that they couldn't provide the best life for me and wanted to give me a chance at a better life. That is why they gave me up for adoption.
The best part about adoption is that I was openly welcomed into a family that I wasn't biologically part of. I NEVER felt unaccepted, or questioned if I was suppose to be there. Granted, I grew up with my family, grandparents and cousins that all loved me unconditionally and I think that always made me feel welcome and loved. I was a part of my family unconditionally. I think that has made the biggest difference for me.
I wasn't born into a family, I don't know my exact heritage, or who gave birth to me, but at the same time that doesn't make me less of a person, or question why I'm here or what I'm doing without my original family. I have always thought of my adoptive family as my one and only family. I would like to meet my birth parents one day but I honestly don't have the money to hire a private investigator and everything at the moment so I know it will come with time, but I am looking more into it. I understand that they might not even want to be in communication with me at the same time. I feel that the only important thing that I would need to possibly get from them is my families medical history for any genetic diseases that I might be exposed too. If they would like to communicate than that's also great. I will discuss more about them in my next post which is suppose to be all about them and my feelings and what I do know about them.

Sweet outfit! :)
Please feel free to email any questions you may have for the last post of adoption April to (danica) (koo) @ (gmail) (dot) (com).
So a quick running update, bullet point style
I know many of you have children of your own, or are at the stage in your life that you are having children or considering this for your family. Personally, I have never thought of myself actually having kids. I don't know why I think like this, but I think possibly that it has to do with the fact that my mom didn't 'have me' so I can't imagine myself being pregnant or actually having a child. I still haven't made a complete decision on whether or not I want to physically have children but I think that also will depend on when and who I marry and all that sort of thing. Go ahead, comment with what ever you think, but remember everyone is different.
I do think that adoption is such a powerful thing, and honestly, I will consider it when I am ready to have children. I think a lot of people think that adoption is only adopting drug babies, problem babies, or children that have gone through foster care, which isn't true. I was a completely healthy, albeit small, baby and was adopted into a loving home. My birth mom never contacted my parents to ask for me back, there were never any issues with her or my birth family. I know that could have been a possibility, but it hasn't happened yet... :)

When I was growing up, most people honestly couldn't believe I was adopted. I looked like my family and had the same attitude and mannerisms as my mother. Now, I am JUST. LIKE. MY. MOM. It was never a 'weird' thing to talk about with my friends either. Surprisingly enough, one of my best friends and now roommate is also adopted. We sometimes talk about it, and our feelings, but like me, she has known her entire life that she was adopted. She also harbors no bad feelings towards either sets of her parents. It's a fun bond that we share together and it's also nice to talk about our adoptions together.
I never, ever felt different than other kids. I never felt like I had a different relationship with my parents or different family setting. I think the openness that my parents had helped this, and I also never felt unwanted, or uncommitted too. I never felt abandoned or like my birth parents didn't love me or want me and that's why they 'gave me up'. They were mature enough to realize that they couldn't provide the best life for me and wanted to give me a chance at a better life. That is why they gave me up for adoption.
The best part about adoption is that I was openly welcomed into a family that I wasn't biologically part of. I NEVER felt unaccepted, or questioned if I was suppose to be there. Granted, I grew up with my family, grandparents and cousins that all loved me unconditionally and I think that always made me feel welcome and loved. I was a part of my family unconditionally. I think that has made the biggest difference for me.
I wasn't born into a family, I don't know my exact heritage, or who gave birth to me, but at the same time that doesn't make me less of a person, or question why I'm here or what I'm doing without my original family. I have always thought of my adoptive family as my one and only family. I would like to meet my birth parents one day but I honestly don't have the money to hire a private investigator and everything at the moment so I know it will come with time, but I am looking more into it. I understand that they might not even want to be in communication with me at the same time. I feel that the only important thing that I would need to possibly get from them is my families medical history for any genetic diseases that I might be exposed too. If they would like to communicate than that's also great. I will discuss more about them in my next post which is suppose to be all about them and my feelings and what I do know about them.

Sweet outfit! :)
Please feel free to email any questions you may have for the last post of adoption April to (danica) (koo) @ (gmail) (dot) (com).
So a quick running update, bullet point style
- I was in a huge running rut
- I took over a week and a half off, only running twice and running two shorter runs
- I don't know how anyone can run in Hawaii, it's WAY too hot and the Humidity... killer!
- My toenail finally came off... BOO!
- BUT! underneath there was a new toenail! Yay! I don't look like a freak!
- I got back to running this weekend and realized that I'm out of shape so I am going to work really hard to get back into shape and nail the San Diego Marathon that is also only 41 short days away!
This week I'm going to work on getting my endurance back (shouldn't be too hard) and then I have a long run planned this weekend that will get me back nose to the grindstone.
As for the Hawaii post? I've decided to separate them up into two posts, one probably tomorrow and one on Friday :) It was amazing and wonderful and now I have a sweet tan. We did lots of cool stuff and I took a ton of pictures so I'll share some with you, don't worry. I also have some good reviews coming up, including a review of the Garmin. Hope everyone had a wonderful week without me.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Mindless Clicks.
So I have some sites that I MUST visit daily. (I'm sure I'm missing them right now in Hawaii, ha ha) but I wanted to share them with you, perhaps you seen/heard of some of them, but there are some classics.
Hostess with the Mostess - Great ideas for parties and planning. I went to an event that she hosted back in LA in the winter and it was SO fun. If you need to get some creative juices flowing, visit her site!
Cake Wrecks - LOVE this blog. She posts the funniest stuff about Cakes that have been messed up. I could look at them all day long.
Fail Blog - AMAZING. Super hilarious and seriously, though I wonder if EVERYTHING is 100% real, I can't get enough.
Out blush - Always posting great stuff that I WANT! Probably don't necessarily need.
You Tubes Kittens Inspired By Kittens - my roommate is a YouTube FANATIC and always finds the best stuff. I watch this video ALL the time. We repeat phrases out of it. I don't even truly love cats and I love this. We are eating pepper and chips! Watch it, you'll find yourself saying the weirdest stuff out it.
Ukrainian Cover of Hot and Cold - another HILARIOUS video. I don't know who makes these, but they are genius
F my life - I could read these all day. It possibly be because I have the humor of a 12 year old.
Overheard in NY - Another hilarious site that has so many funny things uploaded throughout the day, they have a beach one that is even funnier.
This is why youre fat - Wow, I could look at these ALL day, but then... you want to throw up. Watch out.
Do you have those sites that you must visit? I love these sites, or perhaps I love laughing at other peoples misfortune! :)
Hostess with the Mostess - Great ideas for parties and planning. I went to an event that she hosted back in LA in the winter and it was SO fun. If you need to get some creative juices flowing, visit her site!
Cake Wrecks - LOVE this blog. She posts the funniest stuff about Cakes that have been messed up. I could look at them all day long.
Fail Blog - AMAZING. Super hilarious and seriously, though I wonder if EVERYTHING is 100% real, I can't get enough.
Out blush - Always posting great stuff that I WANT! Probably don't necessarily need.
You Tubes Kittens Inspired By Kittens - my roommate is a YouTube FANATIC and always finds the best stuff. I watch this video ALL the time. We repeat phrases out of it. I don't even truly love cats and I love this. We are eating pepper and chips! Watch it, you'll find yourself saying the weirdest stuff out it.
Ukrainian Cover of Hot and Cold - another HILARIOUS video. I don't know who makes these, but they are genius
F my life - I could read these all day. It possibly be because I have the humor of a 12 year old.
Overheard in NY - Another hilarious site that has so many funny things uploaded throughout the day, they have a beach one that is even funnier.
This is why youre fat - Wow, I could look at these ALL day, but then... you want to throw up. Watch out.
Do you have those sites that you must visit? I love these sites, or perhaps I love laughing at other peoples misfortune! :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Well lets just say that today is a wonderful day... to some. I hope you all finished your taxes in time! I got mine done before leaving for Hawaii, thankfully, and this year was the first year where I made more than 10 dollars. It's amazing what a full time job can do for you! :)
This was also the first year that I had my professionally done and let me tell you, it's so worth it. I just handed over my papers and the wonderful tax person did them for me. Stress free.
I hope you all are going to have wonderful returns as well. :)

This is where I'm spending all my returns. Ps. Happy Birthday to Mr. R's brother. :)
This was also the first year that I had my professionally done and let me tell you, it's so worth it. I just handed over my papers and the wonderful tax person did them for me. Stress free.
I hope you all are going to have wonderful returns as well. :)

This is where I'm spending all my returns. Ps. Happy Birthday to Mr. R's brother. :)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I love me some race photos
Wow, why do race photos always come out horrible? Does everyone else experience this?
I know it might possibly be because you are out of breath, hurling your body towards the finish line, sweating, and wearing 'running clothes', but man, I really need to smile more, and not look like I'm ready to die. These are the pictures from the last race I ran, the Seal Beach 10k. Notice the super cool Zensah armwarmers too, that I never had to adjust and they never moved!
I think this was at the beginning of the race, maybe? And why does my leg look so weird?
Does anyone else think race pictures are a total rip off? I mean, I could have a spectator go there, take pictures of me and I wouldn't look like I was going to throw up in all of them. Have any of you bought the pictures?
It would be great to start a company and charge minimally for the prints, or even for the file. I've never personally bought any but maybe for my San Diego Full Marathon I will.
I know it might possibly be because you are out of breath, hurling your body towards the finish line, sweating, and wearing 'running clothes', but man, I really need to smile more, and not look like I'm ready to die. These are the pictures from the last race I ran, the Seal Beach 10k. Notice the super cool Zensah armwarmers too, that I never had to adjust and they never moved!
I think this was at the beginning of the race, maybe? And why does my leg look so weird?
If these don't make you laugh... then I don't know what will...
I am always looking down when I run, I don't know why!'
Hooooooray! A half decent one! Yes! Now let me order it for $500 dollars, not!
This last one looks like my foot is going THUD. ha ha.
Does anyone else think race pictures are a total rip off? I mean, I could have a spectator go there, take pictures of me and I wouldn't look like I was going to throw up in all of them. Have any of you bought the pictures?
It would be great to start a company and charge minimally for the prints, or even for the file. I've never personally bought any but maybe for my San Diego Full Marathon I will.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Adoption April : Growing up Adopted
This is the second of the Adoption series that I wanted to post on. You can read the intro of the series here: Adoption April, and last week's first entry here: Adoption April : Why I Was Adopted. Today's post is all about how I grew up being adopted. From what my parents told me from the beginning and how we as a family treated adoption.
I think that how my family addressed my adoption is what made my adoption special and made it work as a family as well. If I adopt, as my parents did, I could never imagine keeping a secret like that from my child, and being adopted, I don't think that that would have been a good idea. I think if my parents told me "when I was old enough to truly understand", or at some milestone birthday it would have had a different effect on me. I also am glad it wasn't a secret because then I feel like I could have resented the process or being adopted. Since I knew from day one, I have never thought about resenting adoption or my birth parents or parents.
My parents thought that me knowing I was adopted was an important part in my life. I am really thankful that my parents told me and I have never once questioned or been mad at my birth mom for 'giving me up'. I have always been told that my birth mom knew that she couldn't give me the 'best life' and the most opportunity, so she decided that adoption was a better option for her at the time, instead of keeping me. I totally agree with her decision and see her reasoning. If I was to get pregnant right now, I would honestly consider the same options. I don't think that "giving me up" is a good way to look at being adopted and why should you be angry about someone giving you a better chance at a life? I don't think adoption is because someone didn't 'want you', it's because they were wise and unselfish enough to let you go.
Many people have different ideas about adoption and I know some people are totally against it, don't understand it, and whatever your thoughts may be, the way that I was raised worked the best for my situation and made me understand and realize what a great thing adoption is and how great it can be for any family.
Around our house there were books that explained adoption in 'kid terms'. My parents would read me these books if I chose and I think this is what helped me understand at a very small age. These books might had had me come up with questions, and the questions were always answered to the best of my parents abilities and their knowledge. It was very open topic to talk about. They were always also willing to talk to me about it at any time. I feel like this really allowed me to understand that it was a good thing and it's not that my birth parents didn't want me, but that they chose to give me a 'better life' because they couldn't offer me that. Nothing was 'my fault' about my adoption, and I wasn't adopted because my birth parents didn't want me.
I think that is a great way to view adoption, and I think my adoption also was very easy to deal with because my parents never tried to hide anything from me. Another thing that was important to our family was that we always celebrated my brother's and my "Adoption Day." It was celebrated on the day that we were legally adopted into the family. Back when we were in school both my parents would take off from work, and we would do whatever the Adoption Day person wanted to do. We would eat whatever they wanted to eat, go do fun things, like Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Beach, Mini Golf, Bowling, surfing (My brother is a hardcore surfer). I even remember making my entire family wear purple because it was my favorite color that day. Strange, but true! It was a day dedicated to the adopted person.
A lot of great memories were made on these days, and it was almost like a 2nd birthday because we would get cards and small gifts. I think it was also important to celebrate the day because it brought recognition to the fact that we were adopted, and my parents were so happy to have me and my brother that they celebrated it. Looking back, that is why my Adoption Day (January 23) is always so special to me. It was the day I officially became a part of my family and it was to be celebrated!
I think by growing up in a home where adoption was accepted and that I always knew I was adopted really helped me understand the concept. I also think that having really open parents who were willing to talk about the process and who explained to me that adoption wasn't because I was 'unwanted' but because God wanted me elsewhere was also very important. My entire family and all my friends always knew that I was adopted, which I also think was a wise decision. I'm glad my parents didn't tell me when I turned 16, or 10 or something like that, and it was always just a known fact for as long as I can remember.
I think it was because of my 'open' adoption that I don't have any resentment towards my parents about adopting me, or my birth parents about giving me up for adoption. I could see how people could harbor these feelings if it was sprung on them that they were adopted.

Here's a picture of me and my little brother when we were little! :) Can you tell that we aren't related.
Those BANGS!!! :) A family picture from a long time ago.
Next week Monday I'm excited to share my personal thoughts on Adoption and how I feel that adoption has affected me and how I deal with some of the questions that I do get on occasion. Remember, the last post of Adoption April will be an open Q&A, so feel free to email me with ANY question. Seriously, I don't mind at all. Email me (danicakoo) (@) (gmail) (dot) (com)
I think that how my family addressed my adoption is what made my adoption special and made it work as a family as well. If I adopt, as my parents did, I could never imagine keeping a secret like that from my child, and being adopted, I don't think that that would have been a good idea. I think if my parents told me "when I was old enough to truly understand", or at some milestone birthday it would have had a different effect on me. I also am glad it wasn't a secret because then I feel like I could have resented the process or being adopted. Since I knew from day one, I have never thought about resenting adoption or my birth parents or parents.
My parents thought that me knowing I was adopted was an important part in my life. I am really thankful that my parents told me and I have never once questioned or been mad at my birth mom for 'giving me up'. I have always been told that my birth mom knew that she couldn't give me the 'best life' and the most opportunity, so she decided that adoption was a better option for her at the time, instead of keeping me. I totally agree with her decision and see her reasoning. If I was to get pregnant right now, I would honestly consider the same options. I don't think that "giving me up" is a good way to look at being adopted and why should you be angry about someone giving you a better chance at a life? I don't think adoption is because someone didn't 'want you', it's because they were wise and unselfish enough to let you go.
Many people have different ideas about adoption and I know some people are totally against it, don't understand it, and whatever your thoughts may be, the way that I was raised worked the best for my situation and made me understand and realize what a great thing adoption is and how great it can be for any family.
Around our house there were books that explained adoption in 'kid terms'. My parents would read me these books if I chose and I think this is what helped me understand at a very small age. These books might had had me come up with questions, and the questions were always answered to the best of my parents abilities and their knowledge. It was very open topic to talk about. They were always also willing to talk to me about it at any time. I feel like this really allowed me to understand that it was a good thing and it's not that my birth parents didn't want me, but that they chose to give me a 'better life' because they couldn't offer me that. Nothing was 'my fault' about my adoption, and I wasn't adopted because my birth parents didn't want me.
I think that is a great way to view adoption, and I think my adoption also was very easy to deal with because my parents never tried to hide anything from me. Another thing that was important to our family was that we always celebrated my brother's and my "Adoption Day." It was celebrated on the day that we were legally adopted into the family. Back when we were in school both my parents would take off from work, and we would do whatever the Adoption Day person wanted to do. We would eat whatever they wanted to eat, go do fun things, like Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Beach, Mini Golf, Bowling, surfing (My brother is a hardcore surfer). I even remember making my entire family wear purple because it was my favorite color that day. Strange, but true! It was a day dedicated to the adopted person.
A lot of great memories were made on these days, and it was almost like a 2nd birthday because we would get cards and small gifts. I think it was also important to celebrate the day because it brought recognition to the fact that we were adopted, and my parents were so happy to have me and my brother that they celebrated it. Looking back, that is why my Adoption Day (January 23) is always so special to me. It was the day I officially became a part of my family and it was to be celebrated!
I think by growing up in a home where adoption was accepted and that I always knew I was adopted really helped me understand the concept. I also think that having really open parents who were willing to talk about the process and who explained to me that adoption wasn't because I was 'unwanted' but because God wanted me elsewhere was also very important. My entire family and all my friends always knew that I was adopted, which I also think was a wise decision. I'm glad my parents didn't tell me when I turned 16, or 10 or something like that, and it was always just a known fact for as long as I can remember.
I think it was because of my 'open' adoption that I don't have any resentment towards my parents about adopting me, or my birth parents about giving me up for adoption. I could see how people could harbor these feelings if it was sprung on them that they were adopted.

Here's a picture of me and my little brother when we were little! :) Can you tell that we aren't related.
Those BANGS!!! :) A family picture from a long time ago.
Next week Monday I'm excited to share my personal thoughts on Adoption and how I feel that adoption has affected me and how I deal with some of the questions that I do get on occasion. Remember, the last post of Adoption April will be an open Q&A, so feel free to email me with ANY question. Seriously, I don't mind at all. Email me (danicakoo) (@) (gmail) (dot) (com)
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